Latest external audit passed with flying colours!
We’re delighted to announce that we have achieved the APSCo Compliance+ accreditation for a further year following an external audit.
Compliance+ from APSCo (The Association of Professional Staffing Companies) is the best practice quality standard for Education and Social Work recruitment businesses and compels members to go beyond statutory safeguarding standards and aim for excellence in competency selection and service quality.
This best practice standard is designed to help safeguard children and to benchmark recruitment firms against the best possible service.
Commenting on the audit result, Callum Skeemer, Managing Director of Inspiring Teaching said: “A key component of achieving APSCo Compliance+ accreditation is showing continuous improvement. To pass the audit with 99% is a testament to the relentless hard work of our Compliance team of Julie Pactor and Matilda Razzell, and Inspiring Teaching’s drive to provide the best service possible to our clients and candidates.”
Inspiring Teaching is a specialist recruitment agency for the education sector with experts in SEN schools and SEN placements in mainstream schools.
To find out more, contact the Inspiring Teaching Team today on 020 3773 6005 or click the button below to contact us.