The proverb says proper preparation prevents poor performance but why it is so important to prepare for every job interview individually?
Because being fully prepared will help lift your confidence levels and reduce pre-interview anxiety, it means you are much more likely to stay on track and answer with ease, leaving without regrets about points you forgot to mention.
A lot of your research can been done effectively online beforehand. Start with the school’s website. Spend a good amount of time reading all about the school, who are the key people, their history, their teaching philosophy and specialisms. Have a look at the News section, if they have one, to see if there are any recent updates that you ought to be aware of. Make a note of anything that might be interesting to include in small talk at your interview, or anything that prompts a good question to ask.
Have a look at the school’s social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn usually) which can give you an idea of their culture, staff members, events and these are often updated more regularly than other channels. Again make notes of anything worth remembering, referencing or asking about.
It is often a good idea to check out the interviewers’ profiles on LinkedIn where you can see all about their background like where they studied, where they have worked previously, references from colleagues and you can see if you have any connections in common – just be aware that they can find out that you have seen their profile but this is not necessarily a bad thing, shows you are good at preparation. It can also be worthwhile doing a Google search for mentions of the school and people who will be meeting.
Take your notes with you to the interview and keep them in front of you to make sure you mention everything you wanted to say, the questions to ask and note down anything you feel you need to follow up on. Don’t worry about referring to them, it looks well-prepared more than anything else.
It might be appropriate to take along a portfolio with relevant certification, sample lesson plans or example of teaching aids.
Try and provide real-life examples as possible when answering questions and
prepare beforehand for questions that cover your teaching style, aptitude towards tech, dealing with parents, engaging reluctant learners, key strengths and weaknesses and why you want to work at this particular school as well as some questions to ask them.
If you are looking for a new opportunity, our team of friendly, knowledgeable consultants strive to match you with an opportunity perfectly suited to you and we support you every step of the way from our easy registration process through to your fist few months in the job.
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